Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November numbers

Here we are.  Only a few days left in November and time to see how we did on debt and savings for the month.  Let's start with the impressive stat.

That's how much we currently have in our emergency fund.  I estimate we'll probably only be able to add a couple hundred dollars to this in December due to lots of expenses for a myriad of reasons.  But for now, a major pat on the back goes to my husband who did good with his last working gig.

Our debts didn't go down much but down they did go.  We went from $102,412.51 to $101,900.36.  December is looking a bit scarier as GJS has not yet found any additional work.  So my salary and his unemployment earnings will be our whole income, plus any Christmas money we receive as gifts.  With this in mind, we aren't expecting to meet our goal of $10,000 by January but I won't completely give up hope.  'Tis the season for miracles :)

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